Delicious and convenient, these two may be the most sought when someone decides to have sex. Can not be denied that this is the second most tempt the pair to try to make a sexual relationship with all kinds of variations. But it may never terlintas in our minds about safe sex or not they do or what risk.
Many ask "why do I need to do a safe sex?" Or "safe sex is like what?". There are many myths circulating the wrong sex, so make someone mistakenly perceive sex in a safe.
Perhaps the first step is the most appropriate explain why we need to do sex safely. Safe sex, among other benefits:
1. Elude from the disease, especially sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), among other diseases Lion King / Gonorrhea, siphilis, fungus diseases, infections and other diseases, and diseases that are specter community at this time, namely HIV and AIDS. This disease is spread through sexual injury (ulkus) infeksius that, when the genitals with bergesekkan akan spouse to enter the body through abrasions in the friction arising from it. Can also spread through the fluid, either liquid or vagina infeksius cement, into the body through wounds spouses.
2nd Delaying pregnancy is not desired. By doing a safe sex, male sperm can not penetrate into the vagina in women.
Then the next question is "how to do a safe sex '. The most inexpensive and easy pemakaiannya and the risk is small with the use of condoms. Condoms can be used on both men and women with the same functionality.
Male condom is a wrap / rubber glove that can be made of various materials, among lateks (rubber), plastic (vinil), or natural material (animal production) that is installed on the penis during sexual relations. Condoms made from synthetic rubber that is thin, cylindrical, with a thick edge of its mouth when digulung flat-shaped or have any form of nipple like.
Benefits of using male condoms when used properly:
* Prevent the spread STDs
* Prevent ejakulasi early
* Helps prevent the occurrence of neck womb cancer (cancer serviks) because it can reduce the occurrence of irritation due to the inclusion of trigger / cause of cancer from the outside (karsinogenik eksogen) on serviks women.
* Sharing interact each pair
* Prevent imuno infertilitas
* Not the health of this condom
* Not have any systemic effect in the body
* Cheap and can be purchased in general
* No need a prescription or a special medical examination
* Temporary contraceptive method when other methods of contraception should be delayed.
Loss of male condoms:
* Effectiveness is not too high
How to influence the success of the use of contraceptives
* Somewhat disrupt the sexual relationship because of the direct touch.
* In some men, can cause difficulties to maintain ereksi
* Must be available every time a related sexual
* Some men embarrassed to buy condoms in public places
* The condom may be used to cause problems in terms of waste.
How to use male condoms:
* Use a condom every akan perform sexual
* To be kontrasepsinya better effect, add to spermisida in condom
* Do not use the teeth, sharp objects such as knives, razor blade, scissors, or other sharp objects when opening the packaging
* Pair of condoms when the penis is being ereksi, paste on the tip glans penis (penis head) and place the container on the tip of the sperm uretra. Remove the coil karetnya friction with the road roller to the base of the penis. Installation should be done prior to penetration of the penis to the vagina
* If the condom does not have any sperm on the reception end, so when using, longgarkan slightly so that the ends do not split occurred at the time ejakulasi
* Condoms removed before the penis off
* Hold the base of the condom before the penis so that condoms deprive not be revoked at the penis and remove the condom outside the vagina so that there is no sperm in the fluid flow around the vagina
* Use a condom only once for life
* Dispose of used condom in a safe place
* Provide adequate number of condoms in the house and not stored in hot areas because this can cause the condom to be damaged or torn during use
* Do not use a condom when the condom packaging looks torn or brittle / tangly
* Do not use cooking oil, mineral oil, or lubricant materials from petrolatum because akan damage condoms.
WanitaKondom female condoms made of lateks, or some are made from polyurthtane. Have a 17 cm long, 6-7 cm wide, and some have a certain aroma to remove the smell of rubber. Usually bright colors such as pink or clear. Cylindrical shape, with the tip of the ring-shaped opening, and in the end of the closed and given to absorb sperm spons.
Benefits of the use of female condoms
* It can prevent pregnancy and prevent sexual transmission of disease
* Can be installed prior to 8 hours related
* It does not need to be fully inserted when the woman wear a condom
* For those allergic to lateks, can choose the material from Polyurethane
* Men enjoy more directly touch on penisnya
* Do not disturb the body's systemic functions of women
* Can be used in various conditions of women's body, for example, when menstruasi, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.
Loss women using condoms:
* Effectiveness depends on the appropriate
* Incurred difficult because the tip of the ringnya must always be outside the vagina during the relationship
* Once installed condom women, it is important to touch the genital area
* Can cause irritation
* If you do not be oiled lubricant, it will be a significant issue with the noise
* Can not be used in women who are still virgin because of damage to the hymen and cause pain.
* The price is more expensive than condoms for men
* Must be available every time a related sexual
* Some women embarrassed to buy condoms in public places
* The condom may be used to cause problems in terms of waste.
How to use female condoms:
* Tahanlah pembungkusnya and catch up to ringnya and broad sweep.
* Slowly enter into the vagina with a finger, and tekanlah to touch serviks, when it is installed correctly then you will not be able to feel ringnya. Remember the top of the ring must be located outside the vagina.
* Before you start make sure that the deal has been attached condoms correctly and add lubricant that has the actual water to be more comfortable and not muted.
* Once connected, tariklah edge ringnya and remove.
Irrespective of the fate ruginya the condom, condoms may be the only one the easiest ways to prevent sexual transmission disease and pregnancy. One of the many myths circulating in the community about safe sex. For example if the myth that says when you finish the related sexual woman leap vaginanya to wash or clean, it can remove sperm from the vagina. Or myth that says when a couple of scrape with the genitals remains in the wear will not be pregnant. Women can still get pregnant even if sperm outside the vagina out.
In principle, when the penis into the vagina without any coating or protective (condoms), the risk of STDs and pregnancy are more likely greater, because the sperm can survive outside the body within approximately 24 hours and have the ability to move in vagina shortly after ejakulasi done. When you make a sexual relationship, and without removing the protective liquid, either liquid or semen vagina, when you transmit the bacteria that cause disease to your PMS.
Therefore the use of condoms is very important in preventing sexual transmission of disease spread and prevent a pregnancy that has not desired. Safe sex is not that difficult when you consider the safety of you and your partner. So, safety sex .. why not?
Many ask "why do I need to do a safe sex?" Or "safe sex is like what?". There are many myths circulating the wrong sex, so make someone mistakenly perceive sex in a safe.
Perhaps the first step is the most appropriate explain why we need to do sex safely. Safe sex, among other benefits:
1. Elude from the disease, especially sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), among other diseases Lion King / Gonorrhea, siphilis, fungus diseases, infections and other diseases, and diseases that are specter community at this time, namely HIV and AIDS. This disease is spread through sexual injury (ulkus) infeksius that, when the genitals with bergesekkan akan spouse to enter the body through abrasions in the friction arising from it. Can also spread through the fluid, either liquid or vagina infeksius cement, into the body through wounds spouses.
2nd Delaying pregnancy is not desired. By doing a safe sex, male sperm can not penetrate into the vagina in women.
Then the next question is "how to do a safe sex '. The most inexpensive and easy pemakaiannya and the risk is small with the use of condoms. Condoms can be used on both men and women with the same functionality.
Male condom is a wrap / rubber glove that can be made of various materials, among lateks (rubber), plastic (vinil), or natural material (animal production) that is installed on the penis during sexual relations. Condoms made from synthetic rubber that is thin, cylindrical, with a thick edge of its mouth when digulung flat-shaped or have any form of nipple like.
Benefits of using male condoms when used properly:
* Prevent the spread STDs
* Prevent ejakulasi early
* Helps prevent the occurrence of neck womb cancer (cancer serviks) because it can reduce the occurrence of irritation due to the inclusion of trigger / cause of cancer from the outside (karsinogenik eksogen) on serviks women.
* Sharing interact each pair
* Prevent imuno infertilitas
* Not the health of this condom
* Not have any systemic effect in the body
* Cheap and can be purchased in general
* No need a prescription or a special medical examination
* Temporary contraceptive method when other methods of contraception should be delayed.
Loss of male condoms:
* Effectiveness is not too high
How to influence the success of the use of contraceptives
* Somewhat disrupt the sexual relationship because of the direct touch.
* In some men, can cause difficulties to maintain ereksi
* Must be available every time a related sexual
* Some men embarrassed to buy condoms in public places
* The condom may be used to cause problems in terms of waste.
How to use male condoms:
* Use a condom every akan perform sexual
* To be kontrasepsinya better effect, add to spermisida in condom
* Do not use the teeth, sharp objects such as knives, razor blade, scissors, or other sharp objects when opening the packaging
* Pair of condoms when the penis is being ereksi, paste on the tip glans penis (penis head) and place the container on the tip of the sperm uretra. Remove the coil karetnya friction with the road roller to the base of the penis. Installation should be done prior to penetration of the penis to the vagina
* If the condom does not have any sperm on the reception end, so when using, longgarkan slightly so that the ends do not split occurred at the time ejakulasi
* Condoms removed before the penis off
* Hold the base of the condom before the penis so that condoms deprive not be revoked at the penis and remove the condom outside the vagina so that there is no sperm in the fluid flow around the vagina
* Use a condom only once for life
* Dispose of used condom in a safe place
* Provide adequate number of condoms in the house and not stored in hot areas because this can cause the condom to be damaged or torn during use
* Do not use a condom when the condom packaging looks torn or brittle / tangly
* Do not use cooking oil, mineral oil, or lubricant materials from petrolatum because akan damage condoms.
WanitaKondom female condoms made of lateks, or some are made from polyurthtane. Have a 17 cm long, 6-7 cm wide, and some have a certain aroma to remove the smell of rubber. Usually bright colors such as pink or clear. Cylindrical shape, with the tip of the ring-shaped opening, and in the end of the closed and given to absorb sperm spons.
Benefits of the use of female condoms
* It can prevent pregnancy and prevent sexual transmission of disease
* Can be installed prior to 8 hours related
* It does not need to be fully inserted when the woman wear a condom
* For those allergic to lateks, can choose the material from Polyurethane
* Men enjoy more directly touch on penisnya
* Do not disturb the body's systemic functions of women
* Can be used in various conditions of women's body, for example, when menstruasi, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.
Loss women using condoms:
* Effectiveness depends on the appropriate
* Incurred difficult because the tip of the ringnya must always be outside the vagina during the relationship
* Once installed condom women, it is important to touch the genital area
* Can cause irritation
* If you do not be oiled lubricant, it will be a significant issue with the noise
* Can not be used in women who are still virgin because of damage to the hymen and cause pain.
* The price is more expensive than condoms for men
* Must be available every time a related sexual
* Some women embarrassed to buy condoms in public places
* The condom may be used to cause problems in terms of waste.
How to use female condoms:
* Tahanlah pembungkusnya and catch up to ringnya and broad sweep.
* Slowly enter into the vagina with a finger, and tekanlah to touch serviks, when it is installed correctly then you will not be able to feel ringnya. Remember the top of the ring must be located outside the vagina.
* Before you start make sure that the deal has been attached condoms correctly and add lubricant that has the actual water to be more comfortable and not muted.
* Once connected, tariklah edge ringnya and remove.
Irrespective of the fate ruginya the condom, condoms may be the only one the easiest ways to prevent sexual transmission disease and pregnancy. One of the many myths circulating in the community about safe sex. For example if the myth that says when you finish the related sexual woman leap vaginanya to wash or clean, it can remove sperm from the vagina. Or myth that says when a couple of scrape with the genitals remains in the wear will not be pregnant. Women can still get pregnant even if sperm outside the vagina out.
In principle, when the penis into the vagina without any coating or protective (condoms), the risk of STDs and pregnancy are more likely greater, because the sperm can survive outside the body within approximately 24 hours and have the ability to move in vagina shortly after ejakulasi done. When you make a sexual relationship, and without removing the protective liquid, either liquid or semen vagina, when you transmit the bacteria that cause disease to your PMS.
Therefore the use of condoms is very important in preventing sexual transmission of disease spread and prevent a pregnancy that has not desired. Safe sex is not that difficult when you consider the safety of you and your partner. So, safety sex .. why not?
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